Cake Decorations & Bakery Supplies by Pfeil & Holing

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Terms & Conditions
Minimum Order: Minimum Order is $50.00. Orders below $50.00 can not be honored. Navigation Hint: If you know the item number of the product you want, use the "Search Store" to view and order the item fast.

Terms: All web site orders must be paid for by credit card. For your protection, all orders can only be shipped to the billing address of your credit card. Shipping: Orders for over $150.00 of merchandise, as billed, qualify for free shipping to a business location (except Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico or residential addresses, as defined by UPS). Shipments outside the continental U.S. are F.O.B. Woodside, N.Y. and do not receive free freight status. Certain heavy items, such as sheet pans and proof boards, are always sold F.O.B. Woodside, New York and do not qualify for free freight. Please ask us if you have questions.

Claims: Please inspect your shipment carefully upon delivery and count the number of cartons received. Any claim for damage must be made DIRECTLY WITH UPS OR OTHER CARRIER. Be sure to keep all packing material and outer cartons for inspection. All damage claims must be reported with 5 days.

Shortages/Returns: Any shortage claim MUST BE REPORTED BY PHONE TO CUSTOMER SERVICE (718-545-4600) WITHIN 5 DAYS of receipt. No credits will be allowed without prompt reporting and our written confirmation. Please check all cartons and packing carefully prior to claim. No returns will be accepted, or credit issued without our prior authorization. Restocking charges of 20% or more may apply on authorized returns. We will not accept returns after 90 days from the invoice date, or after a holiday for seasonal items. Edible products, open packs, special orders or used equipment/utensils are not returnable.

Special Requests: All orders that require special handling, or alterations to our standard products, must be placed "live" with one of our customer service representatives. Please call us directly so we can provide exactly what you need.

Customer Service:  (718) 545-4600

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